renewal of vows
Do you wish to renew your vows at a special time in your life? We can work together to create a special ceremony to fit your unique circumstances.
What a wonderful way for a couple to reaffirm their dedication to each other.
There are so many reasons a couple might renew their vows; to celebrate their love for each other with loved ones, like children, who were not present the first time, to celebrate a milestone or special anniversary or for those couples’ who have experienced a bumpy ride or endured challenges and wish to recognise their shared commitment to staying together throughout the good and the bad times.
It also might provide a great opportunity for a family celebration!
While couples are already legally married a renewal of vows is a wonderful way to reaffirm a couples’ commitment to each other and can be as small or large as the couple chooses – in a grand or relaxed setting - or even as part of an intimate weekend away.
Regardless of the size, it should not lack any of the joy or respect reserved for the first wedding! Your ceremony can reflect your wishes, values, uniqueness and ultimately celebrate you as a couple.
I would be honoured to have the opportunity to meet with you and help you plan a unique and memorable ceremony. It is my commitment to you to provide a very personalised service so that you can enjoy the process of planning and celebrating your marriage the second time around and create even more memories as a married couple. Although there are no legal requirements to a Renewal of Vows ceremony, you will receive a significant Certificate honouring the occasion.